Crystal Healing Tutorial 1 – Develop Your Spiritual Realm

crystal healing
crystal healing

Crystal Healing for Meditation and Mindfulness

Use meditation and mindfulness. If you’ve ever meditated, you know that meditation takes practice, practice, and more practice. While meditation is an individual experience for each practitioner, the ultimate goal of most forms of meditation is to empty the mind and thereby keep the mind quiet. This state of mind relaxation or no thought is sometimes called no thought. When you sit and meditate, it is beneficial to first focus on your breath—inhale and exhale. The practice of focusing all your awareness on your breath takes all attention away from your thoughts, because essentially your brain can only do one thing at a time. Because you breathe naturally without thinking, when you turn your attention to observing the in-breath and out-breath, you relax your mind and forget about the chatter. To further maintain your focus on your breath, choose a crystal to enhance your intent during your meditation practice. A piece of clear quartz is very effective.

Keeping the crystal easy in your hand, set the intention to clear the thoughts from your mind as you watch your inhales and exhales. Focusing on inhaling and exhaling is just one way to meditate. Other forms include contemplation and guided imagery. Although contemplation and imagining involve thinking and/or visualization, they are both viable ways to practice the process of calming the mind. A popular type of guided meditation in my crystal work is chakra balancing crystal alignment. In this type of meditation, various crystals are placed on and around the body with the aim of balancing the chakra system – the energy centers that affect the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. Meditation and mindfulness go hand in hand.

Mindfulness is the practice of living in the moment. It also includes being aware of specific thoughts that flow through your awareness. Being truly present increases your awareness of being aware of what is happening around you in any given situation. This situational awareness is a kind of peripheral vision of the current situation. Mothers and teachers are especially good at maintaining this awareness, which is often referred to as “eyes on the back of your head.” Mindfulness is an important part of meditation practice. This is the contemplative part of the meditation process.

Once again, crystals are the perfect companion for your hassle-free journey. Hold a lapis lazuli, angel stone or lapis lazuli gemstone to be mindful and stay in the present moment. The pale blue energy of lapis lazuli and angel stones brings heavenly peace and attracts your angels to help in the process. Lapis lazuli is a deep blue color with flecks of golden pyrite, so it’s an ideal gemstone to soothe inflammation or restlessness while helping you stay grounded and aware of yourself or others.

Crystal Healing for Thinking

crystal healing for think
crystal healing for think

What are you thinking? Sometimes we don’t realize what we really think. Here’s an exercise in observing your thoughts (or being aware of them) and changing your thinking:

Realize what really matters to you – the first step in designing your personal intent. When you set the intention to know yourself better and become more aware of your thoughts, you are better able to eliminate thoughts that are no longer working in your best interests.

Sit comfortably, hold, wear and/or gaze at the crystal. Let the crystals help you focus on your thought patterns so you can be fully aware of what you’re thinking. The thoughts rolling through your consciousness create your reality. Your intentions, driven by your crystal, can help you decide what changes you need to make. When you start to clear individual thoughts in your stream of consciousness, you can start doing some house cleaning. When you look at the thoughts that take up the most space, you can see why certain life circumstances dominate while others seem to be absent or absent in your life. Maybe you have an unconscious habit of “That person makes my neck hurt” or “When I talk, I don’t feel like I’m being heard.” Check yourself. If you have frequent neck or throat pain, it may be related to these repeated messages, at least in part. This is just one example, but if you do get involved, choose a mindfulness stone associated with the neck or throat area, such as blue lace agate or an angel stone, to help you break habit patterns or belief systems. You can also associate specific crystals with specific intentions for your mindfulness and meditation practice.

Need to cut down on the chatter of your mind? Place the fluorite octahedron or fisheye dot in the center of the forehead.

Need a reminder to meditate? Hold the chosen crystal in your hand, gaze at it, and think, “This crystal will help me deepen my meditation.”

Other crystals and gemstones suitable for meditation include agate, black tourmaline, clear quartz point, hematite, lapis lazuli, pyrite, sapphire, and sodalite.

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